Sri Ramya

Sri Ramya

August 2022 marked the beginning of my big American dream, but my journey started long before that.

For 3 years, I chased a job in Electrical Engineering, facing my share of struggles. But persistence paid off.

I chose the US for a solid course structure in my field. With a student loan and a full tuition waiver, I was set to make the most of this opportunity.

Four months before graduation, I fully got into my job search journey.

I was able to manage coursework, part-time work, and job hunting all through systemic planning and time management.

300 applications, 30 rejections, 6 interviews, 3 final rounds, and finally, 1 job offer.

All in just one month!

I can't emphasise how crucial Unimad's Value Proposition Document (VPD) was in my job search.

Before, I focused solely on showcasing my skills and projects. The VPD made me realise something valuable that companies need to know how I'll add value to them.

It wasn't just about what I could do, but how I could make a difference.

Looking back, would I change anything? Surprisingly, no. Every step led me to where I am today.

From landing in the USA to securing a job in my dream field, it's been a ride.

The pay might not be the best, but I'm building my career in a field I've poured my heart, time, and resources into.

To anyone out there still in this journey: Never give up! Your persistence will pay off.

Remember, it's not just about the destination, but the growth you experience along the way.

Keep pushing, keep learning, and your time will come.